Galleria Slide Show Website

Galleria website preview

About The Project

The Art Galleria Slide Show website presents a diverse collection of artwork from many talented artists. The website is fully responsive, guaranteeing optimal viewing experiences across various devices and screen sizes.

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Built With

HTML CSS JavaScript

Tools Used

Visual Studio Code npm Sass Git Github Figma

The Slides

Each slide includes the artist's artwork and name, an image of the artist, a summary of the artwork, and a wiki link for accessing more information about the piece.

Slide of Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh


The interactive lightbox feature enhances the website by allowing users to enlarge and appreciate each artwork with a single click.

Starry Night display in a lightbox


This project was a Frontend Mentor challenge where I was given the design and assets and entrusted with the task of developing the front end of the project.